I've been sending this manuscript around for about nine years, and it finally found a home with Wipf and Stock. The poems are more religious than the ones in the other books; that's probably why the manuscript kept getting rejected. Over the years I've kept revising it, and last Spring I changed the format , adding prayer reflection questions after each of my poems.
I love the cover! The publisher designed it, and nothing I would have come up with could equal it.
Here are some more details about it:
Designed for daily use as well as for retreats, DIGGING FOR GOD is an invitation to linger in the gardens of the Bible and the gardens of the heart. Using the passages concerning five biblical gardens, and then her own experiences distilled into poetry, Anne Higgins provides meditative ideas and questions as springboards to prayer. These poems will nudge memories. For all who are, as May Sarton said, "hopeful gardeners of the spirit," this volume offers fertile ground for prayer and reflection.
My book is available for order as of August 18, 2010at orders@wipfandstock.com
My book is available for order as of August 18, 2010at orders@wipfandstock.com
It will be available on Amazon in 6-8 weeks.