Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Yearbook Nightmares

Again, apologies for the long lull between posts. No excuse, really.  I've been working on the syllabi,
but still should have been able to write here.  I get into a fog of ennui and laziness.

Have been wasting my time listening to Dan Brown's latest pot-boiler,   Inferno, on my ipod.

Good old Robert Langdon and his mysterious codes, and the rush to save the world from another catastrophe.  The plot is full of contrivances, but it's still gripping.  I also loved all the descriptions of the city of Florence, which I've visited just once, for three days, and want to return to very much.

cover of the 1992 yearbook from Seton Keough HS  , Baltimore

cover of the 1981 yearbook from Gibbons High School, Petersburg VA

Last night I had a Yearbook Nightmare.  These used to occur every August during the fifteen years when I was a Yearbook Advisor for high school yearbooks in Petersburg Virginia and Baltimore Maryland.  The nightmare usually involved the yearbooks arriving with the wrong cover, or the names on the wrong photos.  I haven't been a Yearbook Advisor now since 1996, so this one came out of nowhere.  In this one, I somehow had acquired responsibility for getting a yearbook out, and there was nothing to put in it... or next to nothing.  A few photos, no page plans... a staff who didn't know what they were doing.   The high school seemed to be a combination of my own alma mater, Bishop Shanahan, and Seton High in Baltimore; in the waking world, both schools are no longer in the buildings where the dream took place.  Michelle Bower, a colleague from MSM who is now living in Vermont, was really the Advisor, but somehow I got into it.  Lots of confusion and racing around. I woke up exhausted.  Perhaps all the chase scenes from  Inferno  fueled this frenetic dream.

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