Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Courtyard Garden Saga, part 2

The transplanting has taken place... in addition to the forty-plus plants I moved, the grounds guys moved 22 hostas, the hydrangea, two astilbes, and the heuchera.  This occurred about three weeks ago. It only rained once in those weeks, and the weather was hot and dry. After a number of email pleas, the grounds guys began a somewhat regular watering ... I was watering at 7PM many nights, one watering can at a time.

But Thursday it really rained, and today, Saturday, it really rained again. It poured. I don't remember when I have been so glad to see rain.

the hosta before its move

and in its new home

a partial view of some of the transplanted hostas.
More to come... 
Meanwhile, back in my other garden, a Monarch caterpillar had found the Swamp Milkweed!
and the Physostegia Virginia, or Obedient Plant, is blooming like crazy.  It's so aggressive that I have had to rein it in, but the bees and hummingbirds love it:
I've also allowed the Pokeweed to flourish, because the birds love its berries, and it's not in a place that would bother any orderly gardeners:

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Another long dry spell

procrastinating and trying to get into a good murder mystery...

Tried each of these, and each one failed to keep me reading:

This one, by Peter James, had me reading compulsively, even though I became impatient with the way he obviously spun things out:
So I tried another of his, and the cliffhangers were even more contrived and annoying, though I was really gripped at the topic ( trafficking in human organs) and at the first part of the book:
I really liked the setting for these, which was Brighton and its environs, but, come on. So I kept looking:
 didn't finish it.
I did like this one, but liked the first half of the book more than the last:
I am longing for a new one from Louise Penny or Michael Connelly.
In the meantime, I am struggling to get back into school mode, re-reading Siddhartha and
 Brave New World!