Monday, May 1, 2017

Catholic Imagination Conference

I returned from this conference yesterday afternoon.  It was the first time I had been to New York City since 2008 -    overwhelming for this country bumpkin!  

The conference was located at the Lincoln Center campus of Fordham University.  The weather was beautiful and the campus was amazing to me:  so much nature and loveliness amid the skyscrapers.
Here are some photos of it taken by my fellow poet, Kate Bernadette Benedict:

The hotel where most of us stayed was the Empire Hotel, just two blocks from the conference. Across the street was Dante Square!

We ate our meals in the little atrium in the same building as the conference:

I was on a panel on "Women's Voices"  with Kathleen Hill, Mary Gordon, and Angela Alaimo O'Donnell:

and read a poem of  mine at the kickoff to Presence - A Magazine of Catholic Poetry:

Dana Gioia was there, and read a poem of his, too!

All told, it was a splendid weekend!

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