Sunday, September 3, 2017

Labor Day Weekend

September Sky - Photo from Cape May   by Linda McLintock

How I yearn to be at Cape May as the Fall Migration swings into gear!

It's not the end of summer for 18 more days, but as the evenings lengthen, and school is back in session, I feel it.

My garden in the courtyard is even more beautiful in its late summer glory.

On the national scene, we are all worrying over and praying for the people of Houston Texas and surroundings, who are just emerging from the historic flooding rains of Hurricane Harvey.

And we're getting warnings of another big hurricane looming over the East Coast - don't know how that will unfold.

And North Korea has just detonated what appears to be a Hydrogen Bomb in its underground test site. 

Between those two spoiled and reckless leaders - North Korea's and our own -  I keep waiting for this game of chicken to result in the end of the world.   I'm serious.   I am enjoying every "normal" day of this end of the summer.  Enjoying every glass of water.  Enjoying every normal meal. Enjoying the regular air. 

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