Wednesday, January 1, 2020

All the President's Men, Revisited

Dear God, how young they were!  How young I was when this movie came out!

I actually purchased it on itunes and have watched it probably five times.  It's one of my favorite films.  Now when I watc.h it, I watch the facial expressions as well as the dialogue.  I also watch the "period clothing and hair".  It's interesting how men's shirts and ties and pants look the same to me now ( probably there are differences, but I can't see them).  But the women are so different.  The hairstyles for both genders are very different.   And the technology, or lack of it!   The reporters still use typewriters and there is one TV in the newsroom.  And most amazing,  the absence of cell phones. The reporters stop to use pay phones along their way!   And yet, what they accomplished that reporters cannot accomplish today.  Today the news is so widespread and so twisted by the political stance of the news reporters that people aren't sure what the truth is. I blame this on Trump and Fox News,  but other people blame it on MSNBC and the liberal newspapers.  Who is right?

Compared to today, those were innocent times.

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