Saturday, September 19, 2020

Waking up in the middle of the night, worrying about our country


I'm doing this again.  In the last 24 hours, the wonderful Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme  Court Justice, has died. She was 87, had cancer, and was hanging on, hoping to live until after the election. But , as her friend the writer Nina Totenburg said, 

A Jewish teaching says those who die just before the Jewish new year are the ones God has held back until the last moment bc they were needed most & were the most righteous. And so it was that #RBG died as the sun was setting last night marking the beginning of RoshHashanah."

And now the Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell, are scrambling to replace her right away. And the Democrats are yelling that they can't, because of what they did when Obama tried with Merrick Garland.

I cannot watch the news anymore. I might now watch it again until after the election.

I'm escaping into my teaching and, when not doing that, into crime fiction. Sigh.

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