Sunday, October 30, 2011

Snow for Halloween

Yesterday, a "nor'easter" hit the east coast of the USA -  and well inland, too. We're four hours from the ocean, but it snowed all day here.  I was worried about snow weighing down the trees still filled with golden leaves, but here it was just warm enough for the snow to keep melting.  Our neighbors in Pennsylvania and further north fared much worse.

This is the earliest snow in my memory - apparently a record-breaker all around. 

On another topic, I am seven days into another "30 poems in 30 days" at ITWS ( Inside the Writers' Studio).I'm very happy to be joined in this round by several poets from previous rounds: John Vicks, Valerie Fox ( who alerted me and invited me to jump in), Annie Bien, Brenda Nixon, and a new voice, Sarah Munroe.  This website/listserv really helps me to keep writing daily.  I have also become close to these other poets - one can't help feeling close when one has read about 200 poems, and has had  200 poems of one's own read by them.  And commenting back and forth. 

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