Monday, October 24, 2022

Last evening at Cape May, and last week of October begins


Ana Woodruff,   Autumn Dance

I've had a good , serene retreat, disturbed only by my ongoing bladder issues.  No bleeding, just six or seven trips to the bathroom through the night.  Sigh.  Part of getting old.

But it's the beginning of a week I always like: this last week of October, when the veil is thin


"Tonight as the barrier between the two realms grows thin,

Spirits walk amongst us, once again.

They be family, friends and foes,

Pets and wildlife, fishes and crows.

But be we still mindful of the Wee Folke at play,

Elves, fey, brownies, and sidhe.


Some to trick, some to treat,

Some to purposely misguide our feet.

Stay we on the paths we know

As planting sacred apples we go.


This Feast I shall leave on my doorstep all night.

In my window one candle shall burn bright,

To help my loved ones find their way

As they travel this eve, and this night, until day.

Bless my offering, both Lady and Lord

Of breads and fruits, greens and gourd."

-  Akasha, Samhain Ritual


It must come from my celtic roots, this inclination to the supernatural and the magical.

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