Monday, November 2, 2015

Treats and Indulgences

I've jumped into the fray with a commitment to posting daily during November.  It's sponsored by

Today's prompt is:

"Treats and indulgences can take many forms. Share yours with us!"

My list of indulgences has shrunk, due to a medical condition caused by radiation damage, the result of  ( successful) cancer treatment from six years ago.  I live on a low residue diet. This means I have bid farewell to my much loved Mexican food, Indian food, and Chinese food, as well as nuts , fresh vegetables, and fresh fruits.  The consequences of indulging in these are so dire that I don't mind abstaining from them.

The good news is that I can still eat much of the fattening treats I've always relished!

Last night I made Monkey Bread, which is much appreciated by myself and my sisters.

photo from Pillsbury
Easy to make , and sinfully delicious!
The fragrance of it as it is baking is more than most people can stand.

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