Sunday, January 17, 2021

So far, so good


art by Albert Breedow

A blessedly quiet January 17;  our nation's Capitol is studded with National Guard, who blessedly have no rioters to fight.  Let's hope it continues.

Meanwhile, here's a poem by Victoria Kennefick:


I have begun the purge.
Month of hunger,
raindrops fall
from window sills, ice
slithers in puddles,
the smoky breath of animals
greets the air. Morning’s back
already broken, veins
obvious on everything.
Emptying myself
of all things ripe
and wanton, I am winter grass.
Observe me survive
as earth’s shoulder blades
that jut, cut up the sky
that pushes down on all of us
as if it wants to die.
See, I am transparent
as sunrise.
Starving, I count
my bones as valuable.


Winter tree with birds     art by Lucy Grossmith

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