Sunday, January 10, 2021

There's something happening here


The situation in our country has consumed my attention. This is probably true of many Americans.

I should probably stop reading posts on Facebook from The Atlantic and The Washington Post., etc. etc.

words from my poet friend Jeannine Hall Gailey:

Trump is an ugly, ignorant, evil cult leader. Those who have been brainwashed by him are not examining their sources, or using their critical thinking skills - they are easily led. It is hard to un-brainwash people. Trump traitors are not crazy, they are purposefully following evil. They murdered a policeman and claim "blue lives matter;" they smear feces in the Capitol and threaten to hang our representatives but call themselves patriots. Are these people crazy? No. They are traitors. They are racist. They are fascists. And if I have anything to do with it, they will not take my country.

Erin Corbett wrote this on Refinery 29:

Like clockwork, many people have been quick to assume that those involved in the attack were either rural white working class people, or antifascists pretending to be Trump supporters. Of course, neither of these assumptions could be farther from the truth, and the actual rioters were a varied group of people — all galvanized by President Donald Trump. While some liberals have either ridiculed the rioters they call “blue collar MAGA” — blaming the white working class, without ever contending with the fact that the majority of Trump voters were actually wealthy — the truth is that the siege was more than costumes and Proud Boys: it was lawyers, businesspeople, parents, and even off-duty officers.

I had to trash the original post because in trying to cut and paste, it was mired in a big graphic.

So, anyway, the whole thing is frightening and disheartening, and I feel that we only know the tip of the iceberg.

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