Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The candid freezing season again


Ive just discovered this poem by Anne Ridler, and I love it:

Expectans Expectavi

by Anne Ridler


The candid freezing season again:

 Candle and cracker,

 needles of fir and frost;

Carols that through the night air pass,

 piercing The glassy husk of heart and heaven;

Children's faces white in the pane,

 bright in the tree-light.

And the waiting season again,

 That begs a crust and suffers joy vicariously:

In bodily starvation now,

 in the spirit's exile always.

O might the hilarious reign of love begin,

 let in Like carols from the cold

The lost who crowd the pane,

numb outcasts into welcome.


Source: Collected Poems, Anne Ridler. Manchester: Carcanet, 1997


artist:  Lisa Graa Jenson

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