Sunday, January 20, 2019

How long until the weather clears?

After that terrible scene in Washington yesterday when a bunch of Catholic high school boys from Kentucky ( who were in town for the March for Life!) jeered and mocked a Native American Elder ( and a Vietnam War vet!),  I found this poem heartbreaking and appropriate:

On a Phrase of Thomas Merton's
. . . .the dank weather of Nazism         by Bill Coyle
It has been raining for a thousand years.
Mold and moss and mushrooms fructify.
How long, we wonder, till the weather clears?
Nobody in authority appears
to know, nor will they speculate as to why
it has been raining for a thousand years.
Underground sources, though, say these are tears
the ghosts of other, long-dead races cry.
How long, we wonder, till the weather clears?
Not that we worry, really. Our engineers
have raised up walls unfathomably high.
It has been raining for a thousand years,
a steady drizzle, a whisper in our ears
bidding us despair, despair and die.
How long, we wonder, till the weather clears?
Panicked reports come in from the frontiers.
The walls are crumbling, they say. The end is nigh.
It has been raining for a thousand years.
How long, we wonder, till the weather clears?
Thanks to Maryann Corbett, who shared it on Facebook.
Those boys were wearing Trump hats.  He is having a terrible influence.

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