Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Unexpected Guests

Bilbo Baggins surrounded by unexpected guests

I’m brain dead from grading papers, and the finals are still to come!  That’s my excuse for lacking the imagination to spin a yard about unknown and unexpected guests turning up in my living room, eating cake. - Which was the prompt from The Daily Post today.

I am composing a poem in which the unexpected guests are metaphors… but it’s still percolating.
In the meantime, here are some works of art that depict unexpected guests:

“Unexpected Guests” by Yana Movchan

and then, here are peregrine falcons, who showed up as unexpected guests at Yorkminster Cathedral. They built a nest and raised their young there:
And then, Harry, Ron, and Hermione arrived as unexpected guests at the home of Xenophilius Lovegood:
Now I am thinking of the difference between a visitor and a guests. What is it?
“Oh, do not ask ‘what is it’ –  let us go and make our visit”   T.S.Eliot

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